An Open Letter to High School Seniors
It’s ok to be upset and disappointed. Sports, contests, plays, concerts, prom, graduation—all gone in an instant. Even final college visits have been canceled as you are making the decision about where you will spend your next four years.

Be angry. BUT, don’t stay angry. The current circumstances are nothing you can control. Allow yourself the space to feel those raw emotions but at some point, it’s important to shift your perspective to the positive. Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance. You don’t know what tomorrow holds but for today, today you can take steps to lessen the worry and educate yourself for making a decision soon(ish). Here are a few questions to ponder.
What can you do to educate yourself on your college options?
What resources can you use to learn as much as possible about a campus?
Who can you reach out to for your unanswered questions?
Thank goodness you have a thing called the INTERNET, right? There is a wealth of information out there. Now that you have a little extra time on your hands at home, utilize this time wisely and prepare to make a decision before May 1st. Sound good?
Here are a few recommendations on how to SEE a campus when you can’t physically visit.
Virtual visits! Yes, it’s a thing. Check out these websites (and the actual college websites often have virtual visit options too!)
YouTube it! Some videos are created by students and can often have some interesting shots so make sure it’s a video posted directly from the college or university.
Reach out to your admissions counselor to get answers to your questions or concerns.
Ask friends and family if they know a current student or former student who has attended any of the colleges you’re considering. See if you can reach out to those people and inquire about their experiences.
Make a list of pros and cons for each college still being considered.
Make a list of your core values. What is most important to you in your every day life? (i.e. family, friends, outdoors, mental health, etc.) Not your parents. Not your friends. But YOU. No one is going to be attending this college except for you. Now, ask yourself which college matches your core values best?
Once you gather information and become more educated about your college options, listen to your gut. The gut is a powerful thing. What is your gut and heart saying?
If you’ve planned ahead (and I’m assuming you have), your options are all winners. You can’t lose. So, take a deep breath. Lean into this decision and trust it will work out. Wayne Dyer writes, “The only limits you have are the limits you believe.” The times we are living in are uncertain. How you respond to the uncertainty determines what limits you. Again, Breathe. Deeply. Don’t allow today’s uncertainty to limit your future hopes and dreams.